Tuesday, October 21, 2008



The limitless and timeless

without boundaries and the

most meaningful word in the





But what if we need something

with limits besides to our limitless
to live

in this limitless limited world


limited life time

Friday, September 19, 2008

Is it always difficult to let go

For human being, the most easiest & desirable way of living is lack of change & continues stability, but once you started to move & make change in life, you simply can’t stop it!; otherwise you’ll be just like a emotionally dead man, more like robot. And the only difficult part in changes is letting go the index of previous situation, anything matters; fear, doubt, comfort, custom, people, location, emotion & …. Although fear might be the main motive of change, it is the main contradiction in moving on. Fear of what is going to happen in new path and doubt of does it really worth to leave the current situation to go for new optimum results, or not

The other question is: is it really correct to doubt any decision we make in life or is it better to try to collect as much as possible information before making decision & after that, just go for it with full strength

Isn’t it really better to overcome the fear at the first point & just eat the frog

Sunday, June 29, 2008


“The past doesn’t matter, what matters is now and only now
If I had only a day in life, I would just want to spend the whole day with you; just being together & doing nothing, Only closeness, an intense closeness
Really sharing things with each other; silly things, difficult things
Cause I believe if we could have that, nothing could hurt us”

You know, I don’t love you just because you are smart, nice, kind and stunning but because I can be myself when I am with you and it just seems as if time was standing still and nothing else in life matters anymore

Sunday, April 06, 2008

خدا نگهـدارت ای عزیز قدیمــی

دیدی اوون وعده هایی که رنگی بود
تمومش فقط واســه قشــنگی بــود

دیدی اوون که دلـمو بهـش دادم
رفت و از چشمــای نازش افتادم

دیـدی اونـی می گفت مــال منه
دم آخــر نیـومـد ســـر بـزنه

دیدی لااقـل نـزد بـه پنجــره
که بهـم خبر بده می خواد بره

دیدی بـی خداحافظـی روونه شد
دل من وقتی شنیـد دیوونه شـد

دیدی خواستمش ولی منو نخواست
اینم از بازیای دنیای ماســت

امون از عاشـقـیـای چند روزه
کـه فقط یکی تو شعرش می سوزه

رفت و دیگه نمی یاد به شهر ما
بهتـره بسـپارمـش به دسـت خدا

خدا نگهدارت ای عزیز قدیمی

(شعر از مریم حیدر زاده)